Real-time object detection and data collection from mobile devices becomes easy and flexible as never before

Meet OCTION – the easiest mobile app to track and count moving objects with a web-based backend for easy data access

Get a chance to help us improve OCTION even more! Become one of the first users, test the end-to-end process, and take advantage of countless use-cases for your data.

Tell me more

OCTION is a mobile app with a web-based backend, made to collect object data from video streams.

Our goal is to drastically reduce the cost and simplify the process of creating structured data out of video. Usually, this requires a lot of individual and technical steps between the live camera video stream and having data that is ready to use for a data scientist. Unlike other tools, OCTION covers the entire process of obtaining data from a video stream, so all you have to do is turn on your smartphone.

How is it different and better than other softwares?

End-to-end simplicity

OCTION app+platform is a standardized, highly flexible tool, so you don't have to set up the hardware, software, and data flow from scratch for each use case. The use of OCTION is done in four steps:


Install the app & register


Select detection model & objects to track/count


Draw lines to count selected objects as they cross


Collect, analyze & share the data from the backend

GDPR compliant through on-the-edge detection

no special hardware or know-how required

ready to work in minutes

adaptable for many use cases

structured storage and access (e.g. CSV-download or API)

across multiple devices

Data detected & collected from video within minutes

With OCTION, you can detect and count standard objects, segments, poses, facial expressions, and many more...

You can bring your own model or take advantage of our custom model development. The free app comes with YOLOv5 as a standard model. Inference on edge devices creates fewer privacy concerns and data traffic. You have full control over how to use the data. Start creating the data YOU need for YOUR business use case within minutes!

OCTION gives you multiple potential use cases:

  • Create heat maps (shops, streets, parking, etc.)
  • Bump hole detection from a car dashcam
  • Person in/outflow to a shop or an event
  • Mapping of objects (e.g. trees, fire hydrants, crosswalks)
  • Male/Female/Age analysis
  • Count safety breaches (not wearing helmet, mask, ID card)
  • Share/Sell your data with others
  • Create custom models and offer them in our marketplace
See more
  • Analyze car models (SUV, sedan, cabriolet, etc.)
  • Analyze moods, e.g. for tasting
  • How many wheelchair people are passing/entering
  • Count objects in homes/offices for removal companies
  • With coming LIDAR sensors on phones even wider range of use cases
  • Track objects across different scenes/devices
  • And even more!

Create structured and valuable data for YOUR business from video – fast and easy

Fill in the form so we can provide you with an individual presentation about OCTION possibilities and invite you to be one of our test users.

The administrator of your personal data is Ziegeler SCM Consulting. To read the full information on data processing click here